Welcome to the Forum: Important Messages from the Admin
Thank you for joining the AzSHA Member Forum! We hope you will use this online forum to start and continue discussions on topics important to the healthcare law and compliance community. When using the forum please observe the following rules:
Do not post advertisements or other SPAM. Users who post forum SPAM will have their posts removed. If a post that is otherwise appropriate includes links considered to be SPAM, those links will be removed.
Do not post sensitive information, including any attorney-client privileged communications.
If you want to include substantive third party content that is not SPAM, include a link to that third party site. Do not post any content that would infringe on or otherwise violate the intellectual property rights (like copyrights) of another person or organization.
Do not post direct links to executable files because of the potential risk of introducing malicious content. You must not interfere with the proper working of the AzSHA Member Forum including, but not limited to, introducing malicious content.
Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or excessively violent language.
Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other forum users. Be friendly and professional even if others are not.
Posts in the forum must be relevant to AzSHA’s mission of promoting legal education in the healthcare field. Users who post about inappropriate or off-topic subjects may be directed to an alternative discussion forum or to another resource, if appropriate.
We may suspend or terminate your access to the AzSHA Member Forum or your membership if you violate these rules or our Terms of Use.