Sign up for AzSHA’s first ever one-day conference to provide valuable training to new associates and in-house counsel, compliance officers, consultants and others who advise health care clients in Arizona.
This is also a great refresher for more experienced professionals who want to stay engaged with recent developments in health law and network with their colleagues.
The conference will survey a variety of health laws ranging from Medicare/Medicaid and Fraud and Abuse to privacy laws and professional/facility licensing. It is presented through a practical lens: learning health law basics through starting a health care practice. Registrants will have access to practical guidance documents, such as template contracts, consent forms and checklists. Finish the day by networking with your colleagues during social hour.
Register Today: Email Mackenzie Mayfield at
Date / Location
- January 13, 2020 (starts at 9am)
- Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law 111 E. Taylor Street, Room #544, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Important Deadlines
- Early Registration Discount: November 30, 2019
- Registration Deadline: December 31, 2019
Registration Fees
- Early Registration: $80 members / $115 non-members
- Regulation Registration: $100 members / $135 non-members
- Law Student Registration: $25
Not a member yet? Become an AzSHA member today for only $35!
CLE Credits
- Up to 6 CLE credits and 1 hour of ethics credit
Our Sponsors
- ASU, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Center for Law, Science and Innovation
- Berkley Research Group
- Coppersmith Brockelman PLC
- ASU Health Law Society
You can Sponsor too! Email: