Place: Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie at Collier Center, 201 East Washington Street, 3rd Floor

Date: December 17, 2019

Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

Our speakers will be Tim Mechlinski and Ben Runkle.

Join Tim Mechlinski and Ben Runkle for a discussion about the use of statistical sampling and extrapolation in government investigations, payer audits, and false claims act lawsuits. Tim and Ben will walk through the steps for selecting a statistical sample and calculating a valid statistical estimate.  Along the way, they will highlight common sampling and extrapolation errors, and identify documents to request from the party offering the statistical estimate. 

This program will be held on December 17, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. at Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie’s office in Phoenix. Lunch will be served – $10 for AzSHA paid members and $15 for non-members. Law students may attend for free.

Please RSVP in advance by e-mail to You may pay at the door or send your check in advance (payable to Arizona Society of Healthcare Attorneys) to Mackenzie Mayfield, Coppersmith Brockelman, 2800 N. Central Ave. Ste. 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. Whether or not you pay in advance, you must RSVP prior to the program.

The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 1 hour toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona.

call in information:

To access by phone, use the following dial-in number:


Access code: 920 156 976

If you are calling in, PLEASE put your telephone on mute.

If you have trouble calling in, please contact Sabrina Spellman at (send message high priority).

For CLE credits and materials for this program, please contact Mackenzie Mayfield .

OFFICE Location –

Take I-10W to Washington Street. Exit and turn left at Washington Street for 2 miles and follow it to Collier Center (Bank of America building), located on the south side of Washington Street. Turn left into the parking garage just before 2nd Street. Collier Center is on the southeast corner of 2nd Street and Washington.

Take the garage elevators up to the 2nd floor (Collier Center Lobby), then take the far bank of elevators (floors 2-14) to Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie’s 3rd floor for the Arizona Society of Healthcare Attorneys Meeting.

Speaker Bio:

Tim Mechlinski is a seasoned healthcare management consultant with a background in social science research. Areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: competitive bid response development for statistical sampling and overpayment estimation for FWA auditing: Medicaid managed care RFPs, including TANF/CHIP, LTSS, I/DD, and child welfare lines of business; research and white paper development; program evaluation, survey design, and data analysis; data validation and program integrity review for behavioral health; and strategic planning.

Ben Runkle is an attorney at Gammage & Burnham whose practice includes assisting healthcare providers in a variety of regulatory and other matters.  Prior to joining the firm, Ben worked in state government representing the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System and the Division of Developmental Disabilities.  In both the public and private sectors, Ben has advocated for clients in cases involving the use of statistical sampling and extrapolation.